LipoContrast Body Contouring

What is LipoContrast?

Lipocontrast is a procedure which uses cryolipolysis, the newest form of non-invasive fat reduction to remove the stubborn pockets of fat you just can’t seem to budge. It uses hot and cold frequencies to trigger apoptosis (programmed cell death). This causes the fat cells to shrink and naturally metabolise.

When will I see results?

You may notice a difference immediately with inches off your treated area. However, more noticeable differences will occur in the next 2 to 4 weeks, 80% of results will be visible within 20 days. For best results follow up treatments should be every 4 weeks to achieve maximum results.

So this will 100% work?
Clients will see a minimum of 33% fat reduction in the treated area from a single session however this needs to be maintained through drinking 3L of water a day to ensure you flush out all the toxins, as well as eating healthy and regular exercise. Even though we have removed a portion of the fat cells the others are still free to expand through poor diet.

What about cellulite?

We can work on smoothing out cellulite as-well! As fat cells increase, they push up against the skin. Tough, long connective cords pull down. This creates an uneven surface or dimpling. We offer a treatment that shrinks and smoothens the surface of the skin using a combination of heat and suction, where cellulite is to reduce the appearance of it.

Where can I get the treatment?

Lipocontrast works on the subcutaneous fat on the body, that works like an insulator these areas are:


Under arms


Outer thigh

Lower stomach

Upper stomach

Inner thighs



Love handles

Back of legs


Our LipoContrast Body Contouring Packages

If you are wanting to treat multiple areas, we also offer treatment packages

Price list



LipoContrast Body Contouring FAQS

lipocontrast is a non invasive treatment which can help take inches off of your treated area immediately with the rest of the results being visible within the next 2 to 4 weeks and get rid of those pockets of stubborn fat that just wont budge. Unlike other fat loss treatments such as liposuction it reduces the fat cells without immobilising you, you can return to work and exercise the very same day.

Temperatures don’t go below freezing, in fact, the lowest temperature will be 3 degrees Celsius. This is much safer than fat freezing, the only side effects can be: bruising and more trips to the toilet!
Do not drink alcohol, sunbath or take painkillers 24 hours beforehand (paracetamol only is fine).
Drink 3L of water a day for the duration of your treatment course.
Avoid high fat or sugar foods.
Try to do 10,000 steps a day.

Limit alcohol consumption.

Keep up with follow on treatments we recommend every 4 weeks

LipoContrast Treatment Details

Treatment Time: 1-2 Hours per 1-2 paddles

Recovery/Down Time: None

Results: 80% in 20 days

No of Treatments: No of Treatments: A course of 3 (Recommended)

How long do results last: Permanent

Aftercare: Drink 3L of water a day & Exercise